"...So it was 3 AM – i was logged into gmail for 3-4 hours and then the warning goes on. This rules out the possibility that my IP just got matted to theirs – so i logged out all sessions, changed passwords,etcBut seriously? Lebanese Government /CIA stooges accessing people 's email accounts while in their sleep ? I am wondering how much we need to re-think our online privacy as Lebanese and actions to be taken ..."
Friday, December 31, 2010
“presidency.gov.lb has recently accessed your account”
Sunday, December 12, 2010
التسوية قاب قوسين او ادنى في لبنان وحل مسألة التوريث
زياد حواط صهر الرئيس يربح اللوتو الهندي وقيمته ملياري روبية فيطّلق لبنان ومن فيه ويرحل إلى بومباي حيث يكتشف ان كل مليون روبية بمئة دولار
سوزوكي آل عودة الله الشيخ الشهيرة بنازك الحريري تعلن من صوت فرنسا الحرة مرة كل شهر بانها عودتها إلى لبنان قريبة وأنها أخيرا ستزور قبر زوجها رفيق للمرة الاولى بعد وفاته
إبنتها جومانة تفتتح محلا لبيع اكسسوارات الهواتف الخليوية في الشانزيليزيه وهناك تكتشف السعادة بعيدا عن مليارات زوجها وعن جمال امها
إبنتها الاخرى هند تتزوج مرافق زوجها بعد تطليق زوجها الذي كان مرافقها قبل زواجها منه
أما مطلقة جلالة الملك سعد الدين خادم سوليدير والمعاملتين المدعوة لارا العضم والتي طلقها بعد أن علم أنها تتآمر عليه لكي تحكم هي البلاد دونه فيتم إعتقالها في مطار جدة بعد دس كميات من المخدرات في حقائبها بمسعى من جوني عبدو وهي آخر مهماته قبل ان ينتحر بالقفز من على جسر لا بتيت انج في باريس ، وتزعم وسائل اعلام جلالة الملك انه تم العثور على هيرويين وكوكايين في حقائبها وينسب إليها زورا أن تعترف بان شقيقها (نسيت اسمو) وإبن عمها غالب هما المحرضين لها على تهريب المخدرات
علي حمادة يتحول إلى كلب ويصبح من فصيلة الكلاب المتخصصة في إكتشاف المتفجرات ويكون مجال عمله الجغرافي في المطار مبنى الواصلين
مروان حمادة يكتشف ان سيعود للحياة في جسد راقصة شرقية فيعتزل السياسة ويبدأ بتعلم الرقص الشرقي لاكتساب الخبرة اللازمة قبل موته وولادته من جديد وسبحان من أماتكم أثنتين وأحياكم أثنتين
جمانة حداد تصبح رمز للثقافة العربية ويتم تدريس اعداد مجلتها (ضاجع من تشاء بس عشية تعى على البيت يا زوجي ) وهي غير رائعتها " جسد " التي فازت عليها بمئتين وعشرين وسبعة وثلاثين مليون جائزة بمعدل عشرة واربعتعشر جائزة في الثانية
وكلها من تاسيسها وترتيبها وتنظيمها وتمويل محمد بن زايد شريك عقل العويط في اعماله العاطفية واللي بدو يفهمها غلط انشاء الله نيتو بتنقلب عليه
.....مرتا مرتا التسوية بدك والمطلوب واحد ...........شوية صرامي على راس العملاء
غدا بس فيق من النوم
لماذا يستقتل ملك المملكة البهائية الحريرية جلالة خادم السوليدير والمعاملتين في السعي للسيطرة على كافة اراضي مملكة ابوه يعلن ابو اللي بذوره ؟؟
الجواب غدا
طرابلس معبر الى جزر لاس فيغاس العربية التي إستملكها جلالة إبن مملكة البهائييين الحريرين الوهابيين بقرار من مجلس ادارة مرتو لارا العضم
اما صيدا فعيب على شرفي إذ في إبن مرا بصيدا بعد عشر سنين راح يلاقي مرقد عنزة بالمدينة لعنزتو ...ليش بعد فيه ارض ما استولى عليها بيت الحريري من كبيرهن لصغيرهن ؟؟
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Judy Garland and the UK's Kray Twins (Another Nickel In The Machine - 2). Judy Garland was said to be a victim of brain washing by the spooks.
The spooks and the police protect child abuse rings?
The UK's spooky Tavistock Institute 'researches mind control' (Cached) and the Tavistock strategy 'includes the use of drugs'. (Cached)
Here is part of a Comment on the post "DID SOMETHING GO WRONG IN THE 1960s?"
"I used to model for Harley Street specialists... starting in 1958 as a 12 year-old.
"The police, led by top-cops Joe Simpson and Shirley Becke, used to supply Profs Emanuel Miller and Richard Asher with the drugs they wanted to study, and used me as a guinea-pig!
"There would be several off-duty coppers present to see the result and work out how to deal with an acid-head."
Sir Joseph Simpson (1909 – 1968) was the head of the London Metropolitan Police, from 1958 to 1968.
Simpson apparently turned a blind eye to the crimes of the major London gangsters known as the Kray Twins. (http://www.personenencyclopedie.info...bertjohngraham)
"Even when they turned to murder, there was no attempt to catch them." (Cached)
Christine Keeler and the Kray Twins (http://www.nickelinthemachine.com/tag/gay/page/2/) The Christine Keeler-Profumo scandal helped Harold Wilson, friend of Israel, to become UK prime minister.
The Krays reportedly ran a child abuse ring linked to top people.
The Krays liked boys and so did a lot of the top people.
The Krays were Jewish and gay.
Among the characters in this saga were:
Lord Boothby, who was very close to Winston Churchill, and who liked masochistic sex with rent boys.
Boothby's close pal Tom Driberg MP, who was a rent-boy loving spook with links to Russia and hence Israel.
Driberg's very close friend Harold Wilson, whose chief friends were businessmen with links to Israel.
Jewish businessman Harold Kissin.
Influential Jewish lawyer Arnold Goodman.
The 'Jewish Establishment' apparently wanted to protect Driberg, among others.
(Notorious : The Immortal Legend Of The Kray Twins, by John Pearson /Sex, lies, Downing Street and the cover-up that left the Krays ...)
George Raft and the Kray Twins (http://www.nickelinthemachine.com/tag/gay/page/2/
Anonymous left the following comment on the post "MICK JAGGER AND THE SPOOKS":
The spooks see to it they have people in all places, areas, influences, races, creeds...
They bred 'spares' for this, especially amongst the poor...
When radio and film and tv came along, the spares who showed a talent (and not a few who didn't, but had the right 'look') were sponsored to succeed.
I saw this with my own eyes in 50's-60's showbiz. It was more rife in American circles, probably because the big money there...
I know of one Brit pop-star who was a spare, knew him as a kid back home...
I knew Brian Epstein in '61-'62, in London, and met 2 other pop-stars (to-be) one who 'virtually' admitted to me he was a spare...
The other was more reticent but didn't say 'no'...
He was murdered later on...
Ask yourself this, if there was a major crisis, a REAL one, who would you rather listen to, a politician or a pop-star...
That's when the spare earns his money....
The spooky Tom Driberg (left) with the Russian spy Guy Burgess, friend of Lord Ted Rothschild. (BRITAIN RUN BY AGENTS OF FOREIGN POWERS?)
Tom Driberg was the "Labour MP with a penchant for cottaging, rent boys and spying (on his own party for MI5), who managed to escape exposure on all counts.
"The policemen used to escort him from the loos of the Albert Embankment if there was an important vote going on in Parliament." (The Pink Paper, 7th. November, 1997, issue 506, page 15.)
Driberg has links to Aleister Crowley. (http://www.redflame93.com/Driberg.html)
In Tom Driberg, His Life and Indiscretions, Francis Wheen asks a question about Driberg:
"Can the man who in the 1920s was anointed by Aleister Crowley to succeed him as the Great Beast be the man who in the 1960s tried to persuade Mick Jagger to become a Labour MP?"
Wheen refers to a lunch with Crowley at the Eiffel Tower restaurant; this was when Driberg became Crowley's heir.
The largely Jewish-run KGB infiltrated the British secret service, but it was often difficult to tell who were the double agents. (http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRdribergT.htm)
Maxwell Knight recruited Driberg as an agent for MI5.
In 1941 the communist Anthony Blunt arranged for Driberg to be expelled from the Communist Party.
In 1940 Lord Ted Rothschild (above) suggested that communist Anthony Blunt should be invited to join the UK secret service. He also rented a house to his communist friend Guy Burgess. Rothschild worked with communist Kim Philby at the MI6 offices established at the Rothschild family mansion in Paris. (www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/SSrothschild.htm). In the book 'The Fifth Man', Roland Perry puts the case that Ted Rothschild was a major spy for Russia and Israel.
Whose side was Driberg on? (http://www.politicos.co.uk/item.jsp?ID=429)
"His was a glorious indulgent life that included a highly public wedding in 1951 just a few years after he had concluded an extravagant series of affairs with soldiers, sailors and airmen."
How did Driberg get away with it? (http://www.crappublicschools.org/alumni/d/driberg.html)
"By far the best story (and one which may even be true) has him fellating Labour party icon Nye Bevan after a bibulous lunch...
"Although Driberg avoided any public scandal during his lifetime, it appears that the Kremlin was able to blackmail him into becoming a KGB agent – codename Lepage – after one blowjob too many in Moscow.
Driberg has links to Moscow and hence to Israel. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/446305.stm)
Driberg was a close friend of Guy Burgess and visited Moscow with him.
He was a supporter of Stalin and throughout his time in the Commons and later the Lords there were persistent rumours that he was a Soviet agent.
It is claimed it was during one visit to Moscow that the KGB used his habit of picking up men in public lavatories - known as cottaging - to trap him.
Allegedly he attempted to seduce a KGB man in the urinals behind the Metropole Hotel.
Driberg liked boys (http://myweb.lsbu.ac.uk/~stafflag/tomdriberg.html)
Driberg went as a day-boy to a local school called the Grange. It was here at the age of eleven where he began sexual experimentation with other boys...
In the autumn of 1935 he gave two unemployed miners a place with him in his bed, but when his hands began to wander the men went to report him at the local police station.
On 12th. November 1935 Tom Driberg ended up in court at the Old Bailey on a charge of indecent assault, but he was found not guilty.
His boss, Lord Beaverbrook (Max Aitken), ensured that there was no press coverage, although Tom Driberg had to go to see the editor of The News of the World.
There may have been some reciprocal arrangement as Lady Astor had pleaded with Lord Beaverbrook to keep the homosexual charges against her son Bobbie Shaw out of the papers...
Driberg had a lucky escape when caught with a Norwegian sailor in an air raid shelter in Edinburgh. Fortunately the policeman was an avid reader of the William Hickey column and let him off. In fact the policeman and Tom Driberg became friends and exchanged letters...
In 1949 the Labour Party conference elected him to the National Executive Committee, and he was re-elected every year from 1950 to 1972...
Tom Driberg was chair of the Labour Party in 1957-58.
In 1965 he was appointed as a Privy Counsellor.
He had been an MP for thirty years when he retired in February 1974.
In 1975 he was made a life peer and became Lord Bradwell.
Friday, December 3, 2010
On 2 December 2010, it was reported that the family of Abdulbaset al Megrahi is preparing to sue Britain for false imprisonment. (Family of alleged Lockerbie bomber 'preparing to sue Britain for false imprisonment' )
Libya's Colonel Gaddafi, in a speech at the London School of Economics, via a live video-link, alleged that the case against al Megrahi had 'been fabricated and created by Thatcher and Reagan.'
Gaddafi suggested that CIA agents carried out the 1988 Lockerbie Bombing.
(Involved in the story is CIA asset Monzer al Kassar, who reportedly had links to Oliver North and Mohammed Atta. (Monzer al-Kassar - Wikipedia / Madcow Morning News.) The alleged maker of the Lockerbie bomb, Marwan Khreesat, was a Jordanian intelligence service (GID) agent with links to the CIA. (Pan Am Flight 103.)
Were these passengers on PanAm 103 killed by the CIA? The US ambassador to Lebanon, John McCarthy, and the South African Foreign Minister Pik Botha had their travel plans altered at the last minute in order to avoid PA103. Charles McKee and Matthew Gannon allegedly changed their plans at the last minute to fly on PA103. ("Cover-up - Lockerbie")
Was there an attempt to kill al Megrahi?
According to Gaddafi, al Megrahi's health "was not looked after in prison.
"He didn't have any periodic examination...
"After he passes away, his family will demand compensation because he was deliberately neglected in prison."
(Lockerbie bomber's family to sue for false imprisonment and neglect, says Gaddafi )
If all the evidence had been heard in the appeal case, then the world would have got to hear more about Major Charles McKee and heroin.
Reportedly, Major Charles McKee and his team of US agents had gathered evidence concerning CIA smuggling of heroin from South Lebanon into the USA on PanAm flights.
McKee and his team were on PanAm 103.
Reportedly, the CIA brought down PanAm 103 in order to destroy McKee and his evidence.
Enron CEO Ken Lay died from 'a heart attack'.
Slobodan Milocevic died of 'a heart attack'.
Robin Cook died of 'a heart attack'.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Gulf of ADEN mysterious VORTEX .....
Is WikiLeaks sitting on the greatest story of all time?
Mysterious ‘Vortex’ Warned Is Creating Global Weather Catastrophe
A bizarre report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Admiral Maksimov of Russia’s Northern Fleet states that a ‘mysterious magnetic vortex’ currently centered in the Gulf of Aden has “defied” all the combined efforts of Russia, The United States and China to shut it down, or even to ascertain its exact origin or “cause for being”.
The Gulf of Aden is one of the most vital waterways in the world located in the Arabian Sea between Yemen, on the south coast of the Arabian Peninsula, and Somalia in the Horn of Africa that sees over 21,000 ships sailing through its waters each year.
According to this report, US scientists began noticing the “formation” of this vortex in late 2000, after which the Americans established a base of operations on the Horn of Africa in Djibouti, the capital and largest city of the Republic of Djibouti. After the 9/11 attacks on America, Djibouti then became the home of the Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) which is a joint task force of United States Africa Command.
After remaining ‘relatively stable’ since its discovery in November, 2000, this report continues, the Gulf of Aden vortex began to “expand” in late 2008 prompting the United States to issue an “extraordinary” warning to the entire world about this mysterious occurrence and which in response the following Nations rushed their Naval Forces to this area:
Using the pretext that these Naval Forces were needed to protect the Gulf of Aden from Somalia pirates [who are actually nothing more than lightly armed youngsters looking for food since this mysterious vortex has destroyed their fishing waters], Admiral Maksimov states in this report that this buildup is the largest of its kind in human history and that Russia is “prepared” to join with the Americans to “defeat” what many world officials believe is an attack upon our planet by “forces” previously unknown, but described as possibly being “inter-dimensional” or “extraterrestrial”.
Beginning earlier last month, this report continues, the Gulf of Aden vortex began an “extraordinary” series of “expansions” that for the first time since its discovery were preceded by earthquake activity. Important to note are that the estimated 40-60 earthquakes occurring in the Gulf of Aden this past month are, also, the first to have occurred in this region in all of modern recorded history.
This report further states that all of these earthquakes have ranged between 4.5 and 5.4 on the Richter scale and almost all are on or around 10 km depth and are “strangely” linked in timing to the mysterious “reappearance” of the planet Jupiter’s South Equatorial Belt stripe that “disappeared” this past May.
Though the information contained in this report is being blacklisted among all of the world’s mainstream media, the same cannot be said of alternative news sites, some of which have speculated that the Gulf of Aden vortex may very well be a “Stargate” opening up into our world from a dimension and/or world we known nothing about.
One such site, The Truth Behind The Scenes, further notes: “Another remarkable coincidence, or rather ‘synchronicity’ is that this series of earthquakes (in the stargate) fell on the very day on which the webbots and Time Wave Zero both[showed] a ‘tipping point’ indicated.”
Another such site, Danwi, from China, states about the “Stargate” hypothesis that: “Internet users have recently been concerned with news about a “Gulf of Aden Stargate.” Rumors claim that as early as December 9, 2009, a spiral of blue light, like a computer-generated image, suddenly appeared in the sky over northern Norway.
To what the truth is that lies behind this mysterious Gulf of Aden vortex it is not in our knowing, other than to point out Admiral Maksimov’s warning in his report that since these earthquakes have begun our planets Northern Hemisphere’s jet stream as “nearly collapsed” plunging vast regions of the world into weather chaos, and as we can read:
In Britain today their vast transportation system has ground to halt due to unprecedented snow and cold, likewise in Germany where travel chaos has ensued due to abnormal snow and cold. Sweden is reporting the coldest temperatures it has experienced in over 100 years as China is rushing to rescue thousands of herdsman trapped by their worst snowfall in 30 years and is further reporting the deaths of over 70,000 farm animals due to snow and cold.
The United States has also reported one of the most massive storm systems in its history that for the past few days has blanketed nearly its entire landmass with unprecedented amounts of rain.
To the greatest fear of the United States, and other World Nations, regarding this mysterious Gulf of Aden vortex, Admiral Maksimov’s report surmises, is the public having knowledge of it due to a website named WikiLeaks having in its possession nearly all of the secret diplomatic cables which it is threatening to release, and should it do so would “undoubtedly” sow panic throughout the Globe.
So dangerous has WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange become that Interpol has issued a ‘red notice’ arrest warrant for his immediate capture in order to prevent him from release the entire US “Gulf of Aden Vortex” file he currently has in his possession and China has taken the extraordinary step of launching against his website the most ‘powerful’ cyber attack ever witnessed from a government against a private website.
To what is contained in the United States secret “Gulf of Aden Vortex” file WikiLeaks has in its possession and is threatening to release it is not in our knowing.
What is in our knowing though is what the ancients had to say about the Gulf of Aden vortex, but which they described as the Eye of Ra (aka Eye of Horus) that was personified in the ancient Egyptian goddess Wadjet, a fierce goddess depicted as a lioness warrior and protector, and as the sun goddess whose eye later became the eye of Horus, the eye of Ra, and is also known as the Lady of Flame.
According to these ancient legends, should our human race ever threaten to destroy the Earth, Wadjet would return in “righteous wrath” through the “vortex” of the Eye of Ra to do battle with those who are “defying” the gods and their plans for humankind.
Not known to most people about this most powerful, and feared, ancient Egyptian goddess, Wadjet, is that humanities oldest recorded religious celebration was held in her honor and called the “Going Forth of Wadjet”, celebrated for thousands of years, under too many different names and religious incarnations to count, on December 25th, but called in today’s World Christmas.
So, as we near another Christmas time in World, yet again, gone mad with war and the lust for death, and as humanity struggles under the tyrannical yoke of its elite masters enslaving them more and more as each day passes, and as too many “signs” to mention in one sitting begin to appear around us, one can wonder about what’s next to come.
The Flower of life Grid, The Gulf of Aden Stargate Vortex and more geomancy and ley lines
Frame dragging has never been definitively proven despite numerous attempts to look for it. The most famous of which is Gravity Probe B. The final report issued by the Gravity Probe B team utilizes a hypothetical model to account for the effects of static build up induced error on the gyros. The raw data showed no signs of any frame dragging at all. Given that a purely hypothetical model was used to massage the data, the reports findings lack any definitive proof of frame dragging.
The LIGO has never detected a gravitational wave. This non-detection directly refutes previous theory and stands in direct contradiction to predictions made by the theory of general relativity.
The CDMS project has never detected any observational evidence of dark matter despite years of trying, nor has the much more sensitive Xenon 100 experiment. This directly refutes the notion that dark matter exists and is the supposed “missing mass” of galaxies. This non-detection directly refutes previous theory and stands in direct contradiction to predictions made by the theory of general relativity.
A recent study of Quasars shows them to be devoid of all effects of time dilation. This non-detection directly refutes previous theory and stands in direct contradiction to predictions made by the theory of general relativity.
The WMAP has shown the existence of large scale cold and hot spots in the supposed “cosmic background” from the big bang. These cold and hot spots were not predicted and stand in direct contradiction to predictions made by the theory of general relativity. Further, as the ACG so eloquently states:
“It seems that there are spurious temperature anisotropies that are comparable with the entire anisotropy found in the WMAP team’s maps. Therefore the entire analysis of cosmological parameters based on these maps is wrong. Indeed it seems very puzzling that an analysis that is so contaminated with errors should come up with parameters anywhere near those expected by LCDM models.”
“Magnetic reconnection,” as it applies to its use in explaining the Sun and the auroras, violates conservation laws of physics. Magnetic field lines can not merge and snap imparting force. This was also shown to be unnecessary by Falthammar & even Alfven himself rejected this idea in Cosmic Plasma.
There is no such thing as “frozen in magnetic fields in plasma.” A simple discharge tube experiment proves that voltage in a real plasma never drops to zero. Such a plasma is pure formalism and can not be demonstrated in a lab. Hence, any theory that relies on “frozen in” magnetic fields is a fallacy of physics. The use of MHD models to describe entire systems of plasma interaction is a classic example of “reification.” It is interesting to note that the man who won the Nobel prize for creating MHD theory (Alfven) flatly disagrees with its use in modeling astrophysical phenomena.
Standard galaxy formation models require the use of black holes and dark matter to achieve approximate model fit to observation. These hypothetical entities have never been proven to exist. Los Alamos Plasma Physicist Anthony Peratt has demonstrated super-computer formulations of plasma using standard classical physics to produce a galaxy formation model that does not require any hypothetical entities. His model well agrees with observations.
The M87 galactic jet has been observed to eject matter at speeds faster than the speed of light. Theories proposing orientation as a solution for this do not agree well with observation. Peratt has shown how charged plasma can account for all observations of the M87 galactic jet without the need to invoke ‘black holes’. Indeed, Peratt’s theory, which is based on Alfven’s work, can account for the double jets we observe in some AGNs – which I believe remains unexplained in the standard model. Double radio sources were predicted by Alfven before their discovery.
Galaxies have been observed to be moving in dark flows. This observation stands in contradiction to the standard model of galaxy and universe formation. Such movement can be well accounted for in an electric model.
Physicist Stephen Crothers has demonstrated Hilbert’s derivation of the field equations is incorrect. Black hole physics violates SR, which means it also violates GR. Even by the mainstreams own standards, black holes are an impossibility. SR forbids infinite point mass particles such as a black hole singularity. Further, Schwarzschild’s original paper that proposed the solution to the Mercury orbit problem, from which the black hole is supposedly derived, is regular in all of space-time. This absolutely refutes the notion of black holes. Hilbert’s solution to the field equations is erroneous. It is interesting to note that black hole “non-believers” include Einstein and Schwarzschild, yet their names are continually put forth as backers of this theory. Out of respect for their positions, the use of Einstein’s and Schwarzschild’s names in conjunction with these objects should cease immediately.
All observational evidence of the Sun refutes the notion that the Sun is a gravitationally collapsing gas cloud that is powered by a hydrogen to helium fusion reaction. The surface of the Sun is only observed to reach around 6000 degrees, while the corona high above it can get into the millions of degrees. Sun spots are the deepest place we can see into the Sun, yet they are the coldest places we can measure. These observations would seem to refute the currently accepted Sun model. Other observed anomalies that refute the notion the Sun is a gravitationally collapsing gas cloud: neutrino deficiency, neutrino variability, differential rotation by latitude, differential rotation by depth, sun spots, the sun spot penumbra, even magnetic field, etc… the list goes on. Alternative solar models by Alfven, Scott, and Juergens are proposed in several reviewed papers.
source documents all available here:
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
USA ZOG phony papers from CIA/DOD Tweaked-Leaks twist Iranian missile tale
USA ZOG phony papers from CIA/DOD Tweaked-Leaks twist Iranian missile tale ....
By Gareth Porter
WASHINGTON - A diplomatic cable from last February released by WikiLeaks provides a detailed account of how Russian specialists on the Iranian ballistic-missile program refuted the United States suggestion that Iran has missiles that could target European capitals, or intends to develop such a capability.
In fact, the Russians challenged the very existence of the mystery missile the US claims Iran acquired from North Korea. But readers of the two leading US newspapers never learned those key facts about the document.
The New York Times and Washington Post reported only that the United States believed Iran had acquired such missiles - supposedly called the BM-25 - from North Korea. Neither
newspaper reported the detailed Russian refutation of the US view of the issue, or the lack of hard evidence for the BM-25 from the US side.
The Times, which had obtained the diplomatic cables not from WikiLeaks but from The Guardian, according to a Washington Post story on Monday, did not publish the text of the cable.
The Times story said the newspaper had made the decision not to publish "at the request of the Obama administration". That meant that its readers could not compare the highly distorted account of the document in the Times story against the original document without searching the WikiLeaks website.
As a result, a key WikiLeaks document, which should have resulted in stories calling into question the thrust of the Obama administration's ballistic-missile defense policy in Europe based on an alleged Iranian missile threat, has produced a spate of stories supporting the existing-Iranian-threat narrative.
The full text of the US State Department report on the meeting of the Joint Threat Assessment in Washington on December 22, 2009, which is available on the WikiLeaks website, shows that there was a dramatic confrontation over the issue of the mysterious BM-25 missile.
The BM-25 has been described as a surface-to-surface missile based on a now-obsolete Soviet submarine-launched ballistic missile, the R-27 or SS-N-6. The purported missile is said to be capable of reaching ranges of 2,400 to 4,000 kilometers - putting much of Europe within its range.
The head of the US delegation to the meeting, Vann H Van Diepen, acting assistant secretary for international security and non-proliferation, said the United States "believes" Iran had acquired 19 of those missiles from North Korea, according to the leaked document.
But an official of the Russian Defense Ministry dismissed published reports of such a missile, which he said were "without reference to any reliable sources".
He observed that there had never been a test of such a missile in either North Korea or Iran, and that the Russian government was "unaware that the missile had ever been seen". The Russians asked the US side for any evidence of the existence of such a missile.
US officials did not claim to have photographic or other hard evidence of the missile, but said the North Koreans had paraded the missile through the streets of Pyongyang. The Russians responded that they had reviewed a video of that parade, and had found that it was an entirely different missile.
The Russian official said there was no evidence for claims that 19 of these missiles had been shipped to Iran in 2005, and that it would have been impossible to conceal such a transfer. The Russians also said it was difficult to believe Iran would have purchased a missile system that had never even been tested.
United States delegation chief Van Dieppen cited one piece of circumstantial evidence that Iran had done work on the "steering [vernier] engines" of the BM-25. He said Internet photos of the weld lines and tank volumes on the second stage of Iran's space-launch vehicle, the Safir, showed that the ratio of oxidizer to propellant was not consistent with the propellants used in the past by the Shahab-3.
That suggests that the Safir was using the same system that had been used in the R-27, according to Van Dieppen. The Russians asserted, however, that the propellant used in the Safir was not the one used in the R-27.
Even more important evidence from the Safir launch that Iran does not have any BM-25 missiles was noted in an authoritative study of the Iranian missile program published by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) last May.
The study found that Iran had not used the main engine associated with the purported BM-25 to help boost its Safir space-launch vehicle.
If Iran had indeed possessed the more powerful engine associated with the original Russian R-27, the study observes, the Safir would have been able to launch a much larger satellite into orbit. But in fact the Safir was "clearly underpowered" and barely able to put its 27-kilogram satellite into low-Earth orbit, according to the IISS study.
The same study also points out that the original R-27 was designed to operate in a submarine launch tube, and a road-mobile variant would require major structural modifications.
Yet another reason for doubt reported by the IISS is that the propellant combination in the R-27 would not work in a land-mobile missile, because "the oxidizer must be maintained within a narrow temperature range".
Van Diepen suggested two other Iranian options: use of the Shahab-3 technology with "clustered or stacked engines" or the development of a solid-propellant missile with a more powerful engine.
The Russians expressed strong doubts about both options, however, saying they were skeptical of Iranian claims to have a missile with a 2,000 km range. They pointed out that the longest range on a missile tested thus far is 1,700 km, and that it was achieved only by significantly reducing throw weight.
Van Diepen cited "modeling" studies that showed Iran could achieve a greater range, and that adding 300 kilometers "is not a great technological stretch". But the Russian delegation insisted that the additional length of the flight could cause various parts of the missile to burn through and the missile to fall apart.
The head of the Russian delegation, Vladimir Nazarov, deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council, said Russia believed any assessment of the Iranian missile program must be based not only on modeling but on "consideration of the real technical barriers faced by Iran".
One of several such barriers cited by the Russians was the lack of the "structural materials" needed for longer-range missiles that could threaten the United States or Russia, such as "high-quality aluminum".
The Russians maintained that even assuming favorable conditions, Iran would be able to begin a program to develop ballistic missiles that could reach Central Europe or Moscow only after 2015 at the earliest.
The Russians denied, however, that Iran has such an intention, arguing that its ballistic missile program continues to be directed toward "regional concerns" - meaning deterring an attack on Iran by Israel.
The US delegation never addressed the issue of Iranian intentions - a position consistent with the dominant role of weapons specialists in the US intelligence community's assessments of Iran, and their overwhelming focus on capabilities and disinterest in intentions.
Michael Elleman, the senior author of the IISS study of the Iranian missile program, told Inter Press Service that the report on the US-Russian exchange highlights the differences in the two countries' approaches to the subject. "The Russians talked about the most likely set of outcomes," said Elleman, "whereas the US side focused on what might happen."
Monday, November 8, 2010
The growing Russian Israeli MAFIA...
The growing Russian Israeli MAFIA...
Most likely, certain Jewish oligarchs are trying to discredit, pressure or blackmail Vladimir Putin...
Some things are improving in Russia...
Between 1998 and 2009, the number of Russian households below the poverty line dropped from 38% to 3%. (Poverty in Russia Disappears in a Remarkable Manner - English ...)
On 7 November 2010, we learn that, in Russia, shadowy forces are allegedly using 'Cosa Nostra' tactics to block 'reform' (or to deal with allegedly corrupt Jewish oligarchs).
Jewish newspaper magnate Alexander Lebedev accuses shadowy forces.
Jewish oligarch Lebedev and VladimirPutin
Billionaire Jewish Russian oligarch Alexander Lebedev owns the London Evening Standard and the UK's Independent.
He also owns a third of airline Aeroflot, and is part owner of the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta, one of whose journalists, Anna Politkovskaya, was assassinated.
Lebedev is a former officer in the KGB, and its successor the FSB.
In 2008, Mikhail Gorbachev announced he was going to make a comeback to Russian politics along with Lebedev, their party to be called the Independent Democratic Party of Russia.
Recently, 200 armed police raided Lebedev's Moscow bank.
Lebedev then flew out of Russia.
Lebedev says that the raid is one in a series of incidents aimed at intimidating him.
Another such incident was the 2008 publication, in one of Lebedev's Russian papers, of claims of an affair between Vladimir Putin and the 24 year old Olympic gymnast Alina Kabaeva.
Lebedev said agents from the the FSB (KGB) suggested he might suffer the same fate as Anna Politkovskaya, the campaigning Russian journalist who was assassinated.
Vladimir Putin
The report in Lebedev's Moscow Korrespondent newspaper in 2008 said Putin was going to marry Alina Kabaeva.
Lebedev now claims the story was planted without his knowledge.
Lebedev says he fears suffering the same fate as Jewish Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
Khodorovsky is in a Siberian jail on tax, theft and money-laundering charges.
The raid on Lebedev’s National Reserve Bank (NRB) was reportedly part of a fraud investigation.
Yuri Luzhkov, the powerful and very wealthy former Moscow mayor, is an enemy of Lebedev.
Luzhkov is also an enemy of Putin.
Lebedev blames Luzhkov for starting the rumour that Putin's marriage to wife Lyudmila is in trouble. (dailymail.x)
Journalist Oleg Kashin "was a leading force in circulating a rumor on RuNet about Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's wife, Lyudmila, retreating to a monastery"
On 7 November 2010, Oleg Kashin remained hospitalized in critical condition after a savage beating that broke his jaw, fingers and a leg. (Kommersant Reporter Is Badly Beaten)
Famous Russian model Irina Sheik.
During the Yeltsin era, the Russian government allegedly allowed certain Jews to steal a lot of the countries wealth.
"The fact is that Yeltsin was a hired tool whose job it was to turn Russia's wealth over to the same cartel of Jewish racketeers who controlled Clinton." (Digg - Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin dies)
The Jewish Russian mafia are very big.
For example, in Italy, prosecutors reported:
"Representatives of the Russian mafia in 2008 formed an alliance with local (criminal groups, including the Cosa Nostra)" and took under joint control "practically 100 percent of the agricultural enterprises of Italy and at the same time practically all shippers, both international and domestic." ('Russian Mafia' Abroad Now 300000 Strong.)
Vladimir Putin has visited Berlusconi in Italy. (Twelfth Bough: Putin and Berlusconi)
Putin and Ehud Barak, 2000.
What about relations between Russia and Israel? (Israel–Russia relations - Wikipedia)
Russian is the third most widely spoken first language in Israel, (after Hebrew and Arabic)
From late 1944, Stalin adopted a pro-Zionist foreign policy.
Weapons sent from the Soviet bloc to israel were crucial to Israel in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
In 2006, Israeli troops reportedly found evidence of Russian-made Kornet-E and Metis-M anti-tank systems in Hizbullah's possession in southern Lebanon.
On 6 September 2010, Russia and Israel signed a five year military agreement.[9][10]
In October 2010, Israeli Aerospace Industries signed a $400 million agreement to sell UAVs to Russia.
The drones will be assembled in Russia.[11] (Israel–Russia relations - Wikipedia)
In 2000, it was estimated that nearly 50% of Russia's economy was linked with organized crime. [2][3]
Putin has attacked crime-ridden Russia
In 2002, Vladimir Putin said that organised crime was still controlling large parts of Russia's economy - and not enough was being done to combat it.
Putin said that Russia's businessmen were "being squeezed by criminal activity on the one side... and illegal government activity," on the other.
Law enforcement agencies were accused of "feebleness"
Putin said the police should crack down on corrupt officials as well as the mafia....
Friday, November 5, 2010
According to Lord James of Blackheath, "The total value of the Vatican bank reserves (of gold) would claim to be more than (what we have been told is) the entire value of gold ever mined in the history of the world."
In other words, there may be a lot more gold, hidden for example in Rothschild vaults, than we thought.
If that is made public, the price of gold will come down fast.
UK House of Lords, November 1st, 2010:
(http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201011/ldhansrd/text/101101-0003.htm#10110215000101 / Charlie’s Diary):
Lord James of Blackheath (Baron James of Blackheath.):
For the past 20 weeks I have been engaged in a very strange dialogue with the two noble Lords (Lord Sassoon, Treasury Minister, Lord Strathclyde, Leader of the House), in the course of which I have been trying to bring to their attention the willing availability of a strange organisation which wishes to make a great deal of money available to assist the recovery of the economy in this country.
For want of a better name, I shall call it foundation X. That is not its real name, but it will do for the moment. Foundation X was introduced to me 20 weeks ago last week by an eminent City firm, which is FSA controlled.
(The mainstream media seeks to claim that Foundation X is a controversial organisation called UNOITC and that the whole thing is a scam. BUT, James told ZDNet UK that he had not been approached by the UNOITC, and that there were no links between Foundation X and UNOITC. Lord James: Foundation X not a scam / Conspiracy theory of the day, Foundation X edition / Can 'Foundation X' save the British economy? / The strange case of Lord James and 'Foundation X' )
Its chairman came to me and said, "We have this extraordinary request to assist in a major financial reconstruction. It is megabucks, but we need your help to assist us in understanding whether this business is legitimate"...
I have had one of the biggest experiences in the laundering of terrorist money and funny money that anyone has had in the City. I have handled billions of pounds of terrorist money.
Baroness Hollis of Heigham [Labour]:
Where did it go to?
Lord James of Blackheath:
Not into my pocket. My biggest terrorist client was the IRA and I am pleased to say that I managed to write off more than £1 billion of its money. I have also had extensive connections with north African terrorists, but that was of a far nastier nature, and I do not want to talk about that because it is still a security issue.
I hasten to add that it is no good getting the police in, because I shall immediately call the Bank of England as my defence witness, given that it put me in to deal with these problems...
I have come to the absolute conclusion that foundation X is completely genuine and sincere and that it directly wishes to make the United Kingdom one of the principal points that it will use to disseminate its extraordinarily great wealth into the world at this present moment, as part of an attempt to seek the recovery of the global economy...
Then I brought one of the senior executives from foundation X to meet my noble friend Lord Strathclyde. I have to say that, as first dates go, it was not a great success...
My noble friend Lord Sassoon's argument was that these people claimed to have evidence that last year they had lodged £5 billion with British banks. They gave transfer dates and the details of these transfers. As my noble friend Lord Sassoon, said, if that were true it would stick out like a sore thumb. You could not have £5 billion popping out of a bank account without it disrupting the balance sheet completely.
But I remember that at about the same time as those transfers were being made the noble Lord, Lord Myners [former Labour Treasury Minister], was indulging in his game of rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic of the British banking community.
If he had three banks at that time, which had had, say, a deficiency of £1.5 Billion each, then you would pretty well have absorbed the entire £5 billion, and you would not have had the sore thumb stick out at that time; you would have taken £1.5 billion into each of three banks and you would have absorbed the lot. That would be a logical explanation—I do not know.
My noble friend Lord Strathclyde came up with a very different argument. He said that this cannot be right because these people said at the meeting with him that they were still effectively on the gold standard from back in the 1920s and that their entire currency holdings throughout the world, which were very large, were backed by bullion.
My noble friend Lord Strathclyde came back and said to me that he had an analyst working on it and that this had to be stuff and nonsense.
He said that they had come up with a figure for the amount of bullion that would be needed to cover their currency reserves, as claimed, which would be more than the entire value of bullion that had ever been mined in the history of the world.
I am sorry but my noble friend Lord Strathclyde is wrong; his analysts are wrong.
He had tapped into the sources that are available and there is only one definitive source for the amount of bullion that has ever been taken from the earth's crust.
That was a National Geographic magazine article 12 years ago. Whatever figure it was that was quoted was then quoted again on six other sites on the internet—on Google.
Everyone is quoting one original source; there is no other confirming authority. But if you tap into the Vatican accounts - of the Vatican bank - come up with a claim of total bullion—
Lord De Mauley [Government Whip]:
The noble Lord is into his fifteenth minute. I wonder whether he can draw his remarks to a conclusion.
Lord James of Blackheath:
The total value of the Vatican bank reserves would claim to be more than the entire value of gold ever mined in the history of the world.
My point on all of this is that we have not proven any of this. Foundation X is saying at this moment that it is prepared to put up the entire £5 billion...
The British Government can have the entire independent management and control of it—foundation X does not want anything to do with it; there will be no interest charged; and, by the way, if the British Government would like it as well, if it will help, the foundation will be prepared to put up money for funding hospitals, schools, the building of Crossrail immediately with £17 billion transfer by Christmas, if requested, and all these other things.
These things can be done, if wished, but a senior member of the Government has to accept the invitation to a phone call to the chairman of foundation X—and then we can get into business. This is too big an issue. I am just an aging, obsessive old Peer and I am easily dispensable, but getting to the truth is not. We need to know what really is happening here. We must find out the truth of this situation.
(2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2Yjoi2_5pw
(3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47WM2BhklmM
It is an authoritative primary source, and records every speech made in the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Interestingly, it also records words spoken under parliamentary privilege.
So when an eminent member of the House of Lords stands up six hours into a debate and blows the gaff on a shadowy foreign Foundation making a bid to buy the British state, and this is recorded in Hansard, one tends to sit up and take notice. And one takes even more notice when His Lordship tip-toes around actually naming the Foundation in question, especially after the throw-away about money-laundering for the IRA on behalf of the Bank of England. Parliamentary privilege only stretches so far, it seems, and Foundation X is beyond its reach. I'm going to quote at length below the cut — if you want to read the original, search for "1 Nov 2010 : Column 1538" which is where things begin to tip-toe into Robert Ludlum territory.
(NB: The venue is the House of Lords, at 10:42pm on November 1st, 2010.)
Lord James of Blackheath: At this point, I am going to have to make a very big apology to my noble friend Lord Sassoon [Treasury Minister], because I am about to raise a subject that I should not raise and which is going to be one which I think is now time to put on a higher awareness, and to explain to the House as a whole, as I do not think your Lordships have any knowledge of it. I am sorry that my noble friend Lord Strathclyde [Leader of the House] is not with us at the moment, because this deeply concerns him also.
For the past 20 weeks I have been engaged in a very strange dialogue with the two noble Lords, in the course of which I have been trying to bring to their attention the willing availability of a strange organization which wishes to make a great deal of money available to assist the recovery of the economy in this country. For want of a better name, I shall call it foundation X. That is not its real name, but it will do for the moment. Foundation X was introduced to me 20 weeks ago last week by an eminent City firm, which is FSA controlled. Its chairman came to me and said, "We have this extraordinary request to assist in a major financial reconstruction. It is megabucks, but we need your help to assist us in understanding whether this business is legitimate". I had the biggest put-down of my life from my noble friend Lord Strathclyde when I told him this story. He said, "Why you? You're not important enough to have the answer to a question like that". He is quite right, I am not important enough, but the answer to the next question was, "You haven't got the experience for it". Yes I do. I have had one of the biggest experiences in the laundering of terrorist money and funny money that anyone has had in the City. I have handled billions of pounds of terrorist money.
Baroness Hollis of Heigham [Labour]: Where did it go to?
Lord James of Blackheath: Not into my pocket. My biggest terrorist client was the IRA and I am pleased to say that I managed to write off more than £1 billion of its money. I have also had extensive connections with north African terrorists, but that was of a far nastier nature, and I do not want to talk about that because it is still a security issue. I hasten to add that it is no good getting the police in, because I shall immediately call the Bank of England as my defence witness, given that it put me in to deal with these problems.
The point is that when I was in the course of doing this strange activity, I had an interesting set of phone numbers and references that I could go to for help when I needed it. So people in the City have known that if they want to check out anything that looks at all odd, they can come to me and I can press a few phone numbers to obtain a reference. The City firm came to me and asked whether I could get a reference and a clearance on foundation X. For 20 weeks, I have been endeavoring to do that. I have come to the absolute conclusion that foundation X is completely genuine and sincere and that it directly wishes to make the United Kingdom one of the principal points that it will use to disseminate its extraordinarily great wealth into the world at this present moment, as part of an attempt to seek the recovery of the global economy.
I made the phone call to my noble friend Lord Strathclyde on a Sunday afternoon—I think he was sitting on his lawn, poor man—and he did the quickest ball pass that I have ever witnessed. If England can do anything like it at Twickenham on Saturday, we will have a chance against the All Blacks. The next think I knew, I had my noble friend Lord Sassoon on the phone. From the outset, he took the proper defensive attitude of total skepticism, and said, "This cannot possibly be right". During the following weeks, my noble friend said, "Go and talk to the Bank of England". So I phoned the governor and asked whether he could check this out for me. After about three days, he came back and said, "You can get lost. I'm not touching this with a bargepole; it is far too difficult. Take it back to the Treasury". So I did. Within another day, my noble friend Lord Sassoon had come back and said, "This is rubbish. It can't possibly be right". I said, "I am going to work more on it". Then I brought one of the senior executives from foundation X to meet my noble friend Lord Strathclyde. I have to say that, as first dates go, it was not a great success. Neither of them ended up by inviting the other out for a coffee or drink at the end of the evening, and they did not exchange telephone numbers in order to follow up the meeting.
I found myself between a rock and a hard place that were totally paranoid about each other, because the foundation X people have an amazing obsession with their own security. They expect to be contacted only by someone equal to head of state status or someone with an international security rating equal to the top six people in the world. This is a strange situation. My noble friends Lord Sassoon and Lord Strathclyde both came up with what should have been an absolute killer argument as to why this could not be true and that we should forget it. My noble friend Lord Sassoon's argument was that these people claimed to have evidence that last year they had lodged £5 billion with British banks. They gave transfer dates and the details of these transfers. As my noble friend Lord Sassoon, said, if that were true it would stick out like a sore thumb. You could not have £5 billion popping out of a bank account without it disrupting the balance sheet completely. But I remember that at about the same time as those transfers were being made the noble Lord, Lord Myners [former Labour Treasury Minister], was indulging in his game of rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic of the British banking community. If he had three banks at that time, which had had, say, a deficiency of £1.5 Billion each, then you would pretty well have absorbed the entire £5 billion, and you would not have had the sore thumb stick out at that time; you would have taken £1.5 billion into each of three banks and you would have absorbed the lot. That would be a logical explanation—I do not know.
My noble friend Lord Strathclyde came up with a very different argument. He said that this cannot be right because these people said at the meeting with him that they were still effectively on the gold standard from back in the 1920s and that their entire currency holdings throughout the world, which were very large, were backed by bullion. My noble friend Lord Strathclyde came back and said to me that he had an analyst working on it and that this had to be stuff and nonsense. He said that they had come up with a figure for the amount of bullion that would be needed to cover their currency reserves, as claimed, which would be more than the entire value of bullion that had ever been mined in the history of the world. I am sorry but my noble friend Lord Strathclyde is wrong; his analysts are wrong. He had tapped into the sources that are available and there is only one definitive source for the amount of bullion that has ever been taken from the earth's crust. That was a National Geographic magazine article 12 years ago. Whatever figure it was that was quoted was then quoted again on six other sites on the internet—on Google. Everyone is quoting one original source; there is no other confirming authority. But if you tap into the Vatican accounts—of the Vatican bank--— come up with a claim of total bullion—
Lord De Mauley [Government Whip]: The noble Lord is into his fifteenth minute. I wonder whether he can draw his remarks to a conclusion.
Lord James of Blackheath: The total value of the Vatican bank reserves would claim to be more than the entire value of gold ever mined in the history of the world. My point on all of this is that we have not proven any of this. Foundation X is saying at this moment that it is prepared to put up the entire £5 billion for the funding of the three Is recreation; the British Government can have the entire independent management and control of it—foundation X does not want anything to do with it; there will be no interest charged; and, by the way, if the British Government would like it as well, if it will help, the foundation will be prepared to put up money for funding hospitals, schools, the building of Crossrail immediately with £17 billion transfer by Christmas, if requested, and all these other things. These things can be done, if wished, but a senior member of the Government has to accept the invitation to a phone call to the chairman of foundation X—and then we can get into business. This is too big an issue. I am just an ageing, obsessive old Peer and I am easily dispensable, but getting to the truth is not. We need to know what really is happening here. We must find out the truth of this situation.
I am left rubbing my eyes....
Did a not-obviously-insane member of the government — a corporate troubleshooter and Conservative life peer — really just stand up in the House of Lords and announce that a shadowy Foundation (that might or might not represent the Vatican) was offering the British government an investment of umpty-billion pounds in order to reboot the economy — free, gratis, with no strings attached?
Or am I just imagining the "no strings attached" clause?